Chicken or Fish Blog

Current interview process at Qatar Airways

2024-06-28 13:02
Current interview process at Qatar Airways

Hey yall there!
We want to share with you the latest information about how the Qatar interview is taking place right now according to stories of our clients

Let's start with the fact that the interview process in Qatar is slightly different from what we are used to seeing at Emirates and Etihad.

Firstly, Qatar recruiters won’t torture you with role plays (but they did it a while back).

You will need to pass a test that checks your knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and also ability to analyze the text.

And after the test, you will have a personal conversation with a recruiter.
While Emirates and Etihad recruiters gonna ask you multiple questions about your work experience during the whole final interview stage, Qatar ones just will focus on a few of them (like “Describe a situation when you exceeded customer's expectations”).
Unlike Emirates and Etihad, at Qatar they will ask you random IELTS or CAE type of questions on general topics: for example: “What is the influence of TV📺 on children upbringing?”
"If we raise fossil fuel taxes, will it help the environment of our planet🌍?

The questions are really interesting, aren't they?😉
This way recruiters check your actual English proficiency to ensure you can discuss a random topic with a client on board.

And there is one more crucial point: during an interview at Qatar, recruiters pay huge attention to appearance. Especially your hands, they will carefully check that your skin and your nails are flawless

Therefore, if you have scratches, chickenpox scars, problems with nails, even DRY SKIN ON YOUR ELBOWS!!! (yeah, we had a case when a candidate was picked on because of dry elbows), then get down to it and use the best skin and nail care products, go for a scar removal procedure.

Male candidates should be ready for a question whether they are ready to wear makeup on board

As you can see, Qatar strives for perfect appearance, so get ready to shine bright like a diamond inside and out in an interview

Where do you think the interview process is easier: at Qatar, Emirates or Etihad?

If you recently attended an interview with Qatar Airways, share your impressions in comments

And if you haven’t attended it yet, but really want to try, then welcome to Chicken or Fish!
We will prepare you for all stages of an interview